Java Testing with Spock - Konstantinos Kapelonis (Author)

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Summary Java Testing with Spock teaches you how to use Spock for a wide range of testing use cases in Java. Readers new to Groovy will appreciate the succinct language tutorial that'll give you just enough Groovy to use Spock effectively. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Spock combines the features of tools like JUnit, Mockito, and JBehave into a single powerful Java testing library. With Spock, you use Groovy to write more readable and concise tests. Spock enables seamless integration testing, and with the intuitive Geb library, you can even handle functional testing of web applications. About the Book "Java Testing with Spock" teaches you how to use Spock for a wide range of testing use cases in Java. You'll start with a quick overview of Spock and work through writing unit tests using the Groovy language. You'll discover best practices for test design as you learn to write mocks, implement integration tests, use Spock's built-in BDD testing tools, and do functional web testing using Geb. Readers new to Groovy will appreciate the succinct language tutorial in chapter 2 that gives you just enough Groovy to use Spock effectively. What's InsideTesting with Spock from the ground upWrite mocks without an external libraryBDD tests your business analyst can readJust enough Groovy to use SpockAbout the ReaderWritten for Java developers. Knowledge of Groovy and JUnit is helpful but not required the AuthorKonstantinos Kapelonis is a software engineer who works with Java daily of ContentsPART 1 FOUNDATIONS AND BRIEF TOUR OF SPOCKIntroducing the Spock testing frameworkGroovy knowledge for Spock testingA tour of Spock functionalityPART 2 STRUCTURING SPOCK TESTSWriting unit tests with SpockParameterized testsMocking and stubbingPART 3 SPOCK IN THE ENTERPRISEIntegration and functional testing with SpockSpock features for enterprise testing


Caracteristici generale

Nationalitate autor Strain

Caracteristici generale

Gen Software
Subiect principal Dezvoltare software
Autor Konstantinos Kapelonis
Limba Engleza
An publicare 2016
Tip coperta Brosata
Format Fizic


Numar pagini 304
Dimensiune (mm) 234 x 189
Greutate 524 g

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