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An explosive novel of betrayal and blood vengeance featuring Seattle detective J.P. Beaumont.
There are those who don’t deserve to live—and the corpse floating in Elliott Bay may have been one of those people. Not surprisingly, many individuals, too many in fact, are eager to take responsibility for the brutal slaying of the hated biotech executive whose alleged crimes ranged from the illegal trading of industrial secrets to rape. For Seattle Detective J.P. Beaumont—who’s drowning in his own life-shattering problems—a case of seemingly justifiable homicide has sinister undertones, drawing the haunted policeman into a corporate nightmare world of double deals, savage jealousies, and real blood spilled far too easily, as it leads him closer to a killer he’s not sure he wants to find.

Textul de pe ultima coperta

An explosive novel of betrayal and blood vengeance featuring Seattle detective J.P. Beaumont from the New York Times bestselling author of Betrayal of Trust
There are those who don’t deserve to live—and the corpse floating in Elliott Bay may have been one of those people. Not surprisingly, many individuals, too many in fact, are eager to take responsibility for the brutal slaying of the hated biotech executive whose alleged crimes ranged from the illegal trading of industrial secrets to rape. For Seattle Detective J.P. Beaumont—who’s drowning in his own life-shattering problems—a case of seemingly justifiable homicide has sinister undertones, drawing the haunted policeman into a corporate nightmare world of double deals, savage jealousies, and real blood spilled far too easily, as it leads him closer to a killer he’s not sure he wants to find.


“One of the country’s most popular n/a for J.A. Jance: “Jance delivers a devilish n/a Jance does not disappoint her n/a n/a . . . n/a and entertaining.”


Caracteristici generale

Gen Fictiune
Subgen Crime
Autor J. A Jance
An publicare 2011
Limba Engleza
Tip coperta Brosata
Format Fizic


Numar pagini 384
Dimensiune (mm) 106 x 191

Brand: HarperCollins face eforturi permanente pentru a păstra acurateţea informaţiilor din acestă pagină. Rareori acestea pot conţine inadvertenţe: fotografia are caracter informativ şi poate conţine accesorii neincluse în pachetele standard, unele specificaţii pot fi modificate de catre producător fără preaviz sau pot conţine erori de operare. Toate promoţiile prezente în site sunt valabile în limita stocului. In conformitate cu prevederile OUG 140/2021, produsele beneficiaza de garantie legala de conformitate de 24 de luni, cu exceptia continutului digital sau al serviciilor digitale, in cazul carora garantia legala de conformitate este de 60 de luni, potrivit OUG 141/2021. Prevederile anterior mentionate nu sunt aplicabile in cazul produselor alimentare.

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