Bold Words from Black Women Inspiration and Truths from 50 Extraordinary Leaders Who Helped Shape Our World, Tamara Pizzoli
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136,00 Lei

I Would Leave Me If I Could: A Collection of Poetry (editie cartonata) - Halsey
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103,99 Lei

After Lavinia: A Literary History of Premodern Marriage Diplomacy, John Watkins (Author)
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599,00 Lei

Screening Woolf: Virginia Woolf On/And/In Film, Earl G. Ingersoll (Author)
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Camino Poems: : Reflections on the Way from St. Jean Pied-de-Port to Finisterre, Newton Smith (Author)
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123,00 Lei

No More Barking in the Hallways: Poems from the Classroom, Ann Bracken (Author)
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186,00 Lei
69,00 Lei

Strings of Shining Silence: Earth-Love Poems, Raphael Block (Author)
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126,00 Lei

Homeless Dogs and Melancholy Apes: Humans and Other Animals in the Modern Literary Imagination, Laura Brown (Author)
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287,00 Lei

Solace: Writing, Refuge, and Lgbtq Women of Color, S. Andrea Allen (Editor)
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120,00 Lei

Ragged Revolutionaries: The Lumpenproletariat and African American Marxism in Depression-Era Literature, Nathaniel Mills (Author)
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278,00 Lei

Feminist Film Theory and Cleo from 5 to 7, Hilary Neroni (Author)
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283,00 Lei

Love & Vodka: A Book of Poetry for Glass Hearts, Christina Strigas (Author)
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109,00 Lei

Macbeth in Plain and Simple English: (A Modern Translation and the Original Version), Shakespeare Willaim (Author)
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109,00 Lei

Samurai Wisdom Stories: Tales from the Golden Age of Bushido, Pascal Fauliot (Author)
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125,00 Lei

Testament - Anthology of Romanian Verse, Daniel Ionita (Author)
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216,00 Lei

Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History, Cathy Caruth (Author)
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296,00 Lei

Postmodern Crises: From Lolita to Pussy Riot, Mark Lipovetsky (Author)
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952,00 Lei

Bare Bones: A Collection of Poems 1989-2016, Indigokro (Author)
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125,00 Lei

There Is Something about Being an Episcopalian, Ron Starbuck (Author)
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115,00 Lei

Going to Pieces: The Dismantling of the United States of America, Elaine Devary Willman (Author)
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207,00 Lei

The Transmission of "Beowulf": Language, Culture, and Scribal Behavior, Leonard Neidorf (Author)
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537,00 Lei

On Texas Backroads: Stories Found Along the Way, Carlton Stowers (Author)
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120,00 Lei

To Fool the Rain: Haiti's Poor and Their Pathway to a Better Life, Steven Werlin (Author)
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189,00 Lei

Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel: The Complete Book and Lyrics of the Broadway Musical, Oscar, II Hammerstein (Author)
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120,00 Lei

Inside Story: Everyone's Guide to Reporting and Writing Creative Nonfiction, Julia Goldberg (Author)
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136,00 Lei

Timeless Chatter Between the Heart and Mind, Jay Long (Author)
la comandă

158,00 Lei
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