Acting Through Song: Techniques and Exercises for Musical-Theatre Actors, Paul Harvard (Author)
la comandă

279,00 Lei

Losing the Plot Film and Feeling in the Modern Novel, Pardis Dabashi
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217,60 Lei

The Shakespeare Circle: An Alternative Biography, Paul Edmondson (Editor)
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305,00 Lei

Kamishibai Story Theater: The Art of Picture Telling, Dianne de Las Casas (Author)
la comandă

399,00 Lei

Joking Asides: The Theory, Analysis, and Aesthetics of Humor, Elliott Oring (Author)
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371,00 Lei

When I Came to Die: Process and Prophecy in Thoreau's Vision of Dying, Audrey Raden (Author)
la comandă

275,00 Lei

Shaping a World Already Made: Landscape and Poetry of the Canadian Prairies
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275,00 Lei

The Divine Comedy: Inferno; Purgatorio; Paradiso (in One Volume), Dante Alighieri
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224,00 Lei

Web of Fantasies: Gaze, Image, & Gender in Ovid's Metamorphoses
la comandă

306,00 Lei

Collected Poems, 1920-1954: Newly Revised Bilingual Edition, Eugenio Montale (Author)
la comandă

274,00 Lei

Fictions of Youth: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Adolescence, Fascisms, Simona Bondavalli (Author)
la comandă

433,00 Lei

Composing Arguments: An Argumentation and Debate Textbook for the Digital Age, Jared K. Miller (Author)
la comandă

445,00 Lei

Culture on Two Wheels: The Bicycle in Literature and Film, Jeremy Withers (Author)
la comandă

445,00 Lei

Transcendent Love: Dostoevsky and the Search for a Global Ethic, Leonard G. Friesen (Author)
la comandă

445,00 Lei

Polymorphous Domesticities: Pets, Bodies, and Desire in Four Modern Writers, Juliana Schiesari (Author)
la comandă

417,00 Lei

Ossianic Unconformities: Bardic Poetry in the Industrial Age, Eric Gidal (Author)
la comandă

450,00 Lei

Essential Dramaturgy: The Mindset and Skillset, Theresa Lang (Author)
la comandă

437,00 Lei

Cold War Friendships: Korea, Vietnam, and Asian American Literature, Josphine Nock Park (Author)
la comandă

459,00 Lei

American Literature in the World: An Anthology from Anne Bradstreet to Octavia Butler, Wai-Chee Dimock (Editor)
la comandă

418,00 Lei

"The Soul Exceeds Its Circumstances": The Later Poetry of Seamus Heaney, Eugene O'Brien (Editor)
la comandă

445,00 Lei

Comics and Memory in Latin America, Jorge Catala Carrasco (Editor)
la comandă

487,00 Lei

Thomas Hardy's Brains: Psychology, Neurology, and Hardy's Imagination
la comandă

325,00 Lei

Fictions of the Bad Life: The Naturalist Prostitute and Her Avatars in Latin American Literature, 1880-2010, Claire Thora Solomon (Author)
la comandă

306,00 Lei

Eschatological Subjects: Divine and Literary Judgment in Fourteenth-Century French Poetry
la comandă

343,00 Lei

Transatlantic Correspondence: Modernity, Epistolarity, and Literature in Spain and Spanish America, 1898-1992
la comandă

343,00 Lei

Shakespeare and Lost Plays Reimagining Drama in Early Modern England, David McInnis
în stoc

317,24 Lei

Shakespeare's Roman Trilogy: The Twilight of the Ancient World, Paul A. Cantor (Author)
la comandă

311,00 Lei

Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies After Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell, Toril Moi (Author)
la comandă

311,00 Lei

The Vanished Settlers of Greenland In Search of a Legend and Its Legacy, Robert Rix
în stoc

247,94 Lei

In the Shadow of World Literature: Sites of Reading in Colonial Egypt, Michael Allan (Author)
la comandă

340,00 Lei
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